Hey, I’m Alice!
I created Plot and Character to help anyone who wants to, to write fiction. In particular, confused beginners who don’t have a clue where to start. But also lapsed writers like me struggling with self-doubt or tricky logistics.
This is a place where you’ll find solid, unbiased and straightforward advice to help you move your creative writing forward. Including course reviews (so you save your time and cash), pep talks and help with productivity.
I believe strongly that writing is a craft as much (or more) than it is an art. It is a skill that can be taught and learned. Practised and perfected.
I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember. I’m an ex-director of a literary prize, co-founder of a live literature night, former writing coach and creative writing MA grad.
I’m also a copywriter. And in my copywriting world, no-one ever questions whether a writer can work, improve their skills and become great. Copywriting is a craft with a sprinkling of art. Fiction writing is usually seen as the opposite.
Let’s change that.